CALL US 305.858.1986

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency: 2001 - 2003
Plastic Surgery Residency
Section of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Temple University
Amit Mitra, M.D., FRCS (Ed), FACS
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hand and Microsurgery Fellowship: 2000 - 2001
Hand Surgery and Microsurgery Fellowship
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Oregon Health Sciences University
Juliana Hansen, M.D., Alan Seyfer, M.D.,
Steven Topper, M.D.
Portland, Oregon
Chief Residency: 1999 - 2000
University of California Davis – East Bay
General Surgery Residency Program
Claude H. Organ, M.D.
Oakland, California
Research Fellowship: 1996 - 1998
Wound Healing Research Fellowship
University of California San Francisco
Thomas K. Hunt, M.D.
San Francisco, California
Residency: 1994 - 1999
Residency PGY 2, 3, & 4
University of California Davis – East Bay
General Surgery Residency Program
Claude H. Organ, M.D.
Oakland, California
Internship: 1993 - 1994
Surgery Internship
University of California Davis – East Bay
General Surgery Residency Program
Claude H. Organ, M.D.
Oakland, California
University of Miami School of Medicine M.D.
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
B.S. in Biology