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Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD. “Skin Deep Beauty”, The MD Effect. The Truth About Keeping Youthful Looking Skin. A Self-Help Book by Jeffrey J. Gibson M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon 2017


Jeffrey J. Gibson MD. Maxillofacial Reconstruction tripod fracture. Case study Orbital blowout and tripod fracture repair using Clarix Cord 1K Umbilical cord tissue to cover plates and place blow orbit to prevent adhesions. Amniox Publication EDU CS-39 Rev A 2017


Jeffrey J. Gibson MD. Extensor Tendon repair following Dog bite injury. Case study Tendon Repair utilizing Clarix Cord 1K Umbilical cord tissue. Amniox Publication EDU CE-3 Rev A 2017


Gibson J. MD. Prevena Incision Management System. Aesthetic Trends & Technologies. March/April 2011


Hopf HW, Gibson JJ, Angeles AP, Constant JS, Fenf JJ, Rollins MD, Hussain MZ, Hunt TK.  Hyperoxia and angiogenesis.  Wound Rep Reg.  Nov/Dec:  13 (6), 558-563, 2005.


Mohammed Elahi,M.D., Julie Spears, M.D., Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Amithabha Mitra, M.D. Frontal Sinus Oblitiration with B-tricalciaum Phosphate (Vitoss) Plastics and Reconstructive Journal Surgery. (submitted May 2003) 


Ahmad Y. Sheikh; Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD; Mark D. Rollins, MD; Harriet W. Hopf, MD; Zamirul Hussain, PhD; Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Effect of Hyperoxia upon VEGF levels in a wound model. Archives of Surgery, Vol 135, pages 1293 - 1297. November 2000.


Rollins MD, Gimbel ML, Gibson JJ, Hunt TK, Hopf HW.  Oxygen Levels During Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Healing Wounds.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.  Plenum Press.  New York – London.  2000. 


Geoffrey T. Manley, M.D., Ph.D., Lawrence Pitts, M.D., M. Diane J. Morabito, R.N., MPH, Christine A. Doyle, M.D., Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Michael L. Gimbel, M.D., Harriet W. Hopf, M.D., Margret Knudson, M.D.  Brain Tissue Oxygenation During Hemorrhagic Shock, Resuscitation and Alterations in Ventilation.  Journal of Trauma, Vol 46 #2, pages 261 – 267.  February 1999.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Mark Rollins, M.D., Harriet W. Hopf, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, M.D.  Increased Oxygen Tension and Wound Fluid VEGF Levels.  The 84th Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons Surgical, Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum Volume XLIX,  Chapter XVI Plastic Surgery page 607-610.  October 1998.


M. Gimbel, J. Gibson, T. Hunt, and M. E. Spencer.  IGF-I Deficiency Limits Post-operative Adhesion Formation. Wound Repair and Regeneration.  Vol 6 #3, Page A253.  May-June 1998.


J. J.Feng, J. J. Gibson, J. S. Constant, M. Z. Hussain, T. K. Hunt.  Hyperoxia Stimulates Macrophage Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Production. Wound Repair and Regeneration. Vol 6 #3, Page A252.  May-June 1998.


A. Sheikh, J. Gibson, H. Hopf, T. Hunt. The Effect of Increased Oxygen Tension on Wound Fluid VEGF Levels. Wound Repair and Regeneration. Vol 6 #3, Page A264.  May-June 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD.,  Thomas K. Hunt, MD.,  John J. Feng, MD.,  James S. Constant, MD.,  Mark D. Rollins, MD.,  M. Zamir Hussain, PhD.  Studies in Wounds May Lead to a Simplification of the Theory of Angiogenesis.  Angiogenesis II: Inhibitors and Inducers.  Edited by Ann L. Parkinson.  Published by International Business Communication, Inc.  IBC's Library Series publication #995. Chapter 2.1, Page 15-22.  February 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD., John J. Feng, MD.,  Mark D. Rollins, MD., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, M. Zamir Hussain, PhD.  The Several Roles for Oxygen in Wound Angiogenesis.  Angiogenesis Models, Modulators, and Clinical Applications.  Edited by Michael E. Maragoudakis, NATO ASI Series A, Life Sciences Vol. 298, Page 93-98.  Plenum Press.  New York. 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Adam P. Angeles, MD., Thomas K. Hunt,  MD. Increased Oxygen Tension Potentiates Angiogenesis.   Angiogenesis Models, Modulators, and Clinical Applications.  Edited by Michael E. Maragoudakis, NATO ASI Series A, Life Sciences Vol. 298, Page 516-517. Plenum Press.  New York. 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Adam P. Angeles, M.D., Thomas K. Hunt, M.D., FACS.  Increased Oxygen Tension Potentiates Angiogenesis.  The 83rd Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum Volume XLVIII, Chapter XV  Plastic Surgery, page 696-699.  October 1997.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Hyperbaric Oxygen Potentiates Wound Healing.  Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine.   Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society.  Edited by I.B. Mekjavic, M.J.  Tipton, O. Elken.  Studio Print, BIOMED d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia ISBN. Page 153-160  September, 1997.  (Chosen for publication in  EUBS annual news letter May 1998).


A. Angeles, J. Gibson, T. Hunt.  Hyperbaric Oxygen and Angiogenesis.   Wound Repair and Regeneration Vol 5 #1, Page A104.   January –  March 1997.

J. Gibson, MD., J. Cole MS., The Use of umbilical cord tissue for Repair of Facial tripod facial fracture with Orbital floor defect. Published by Amniox for Medical Representative Presentations 04/15/2017  


J. Gibson, MD., J. Cole MS., The Use of umbilical cord tissue for Repair of Extensor Tendon Injury to prevent Adhesion. Published by Amniox for Medical Representative Presentations 04/15/2017  


J. Gibson, MD., T. Leonard, R. Reyna MD., J. Grossman MD., S. Panta, Y. Grulon, C. Toussaint, J. Gonzalez, L Trujillo. The Effects of RxGenesys, an enhanced Stem Cell Skin Care System, on Reduction of Facial Fine Lines, Pore size and Complexation Quality.

Published on RxGenesys Biotech Website & Internal Company Data 08/15/2014


J. Gibson, MD., S Vanduzer, M.D., T. Christo, MS3, M. Deliorio, M.D., C. Radl, J Spears, MD, A. Mitra, MD, MS, FRCS(Ed), FACS. Use of an Adjustable Tension Wound Closure Device to Close Difficult Wounds.  Robert H. Ivy Society 49th Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, PA. May 3-4, 2003.


S.T. Vanduzer, M.D., A. Mitra, M.D., J. Spears, M.D., M.M. Elahi, M.D., J.J. Gibson, M.D., R. Nott-Powell, M.D. Human Dural Repair Using Acellular Dermis in Combination with Myofasciocutaneous and Fasciocutaneous flaps: Clinical Results in 5 Complex Reconstructive Cases. Robert H. Ivy Society 49th Annual Meeting, Harrisburg, P.A. May 3-4, 2003


J. Gibson, MD., T.Christo, MS3, J Spears, MD, a Mitra, MD, MS FRCS(ed), FACS. Utilization of Turnover Flap as a Viable Alternative in reconstructing Difficult to Close Wounds. Presented at the Plastic Surgery Chief Resident Conference. Los Angeles, CA March 27-29, 2003.  Notations:  comments about meeting published in May 2003, Plastic Surgery News.  Pg. 45.


J. Gibson, MD, H. Shah, MD, T. Christo, MS3, J Spears, MD, A. Mitra, MD, MS, FRCS(Ed), FACS.  The Single Stage Turn-Over Flap as a Viable Alternative in Reconstructing Lower Extremity Wounds. The Combined Annual Meeting of Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons.  Pittsburgh, PA.  June 7-9, 2002.



Himansu R. Shah, MD, Jeffrey Gibson, MD, Julie Spears, MD, Amit Mitra, MD, MS, FRCS(Ed), FACS.  Our Experience with Free

Fibula Flap for Mandibular Reconstruction.  The Combined Annua Meeting of Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic and Reconstructive


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., John J. Feng, MD., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Mark  D. Rollins, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  The Effect of Oxygen on the VEGF Angiogenic Pathway.  The 10th Annual University of California Davis – East Bay Resident Research Day.  Chaired by Richard L. Simmons, MD, Professor of Surgery University of Pittsburgh. Sacramento, CA.  June 8, 1999.


M. Rollins, M. Gimbel, J. Gibson, T. Hunt, H. Hopf.  Arterial    Oxygen, Blood Flow and Tissue Oxygenation in a Porcine Flap.  The European Tissue Repair Society & The Wound Healing Society Joint Meeting. August 24 – 28, 1999.


H. Hopf, M. Knudson, N. Svaflarski, D. Morabito, J. West, L. Lin, C. Doyle, J.Gibson, M. Gimbel, M. Rollins, C. Strear, T. Hunt. Decreased Incidence of Low Subcutaneous Tissue Oxygen Tension in “Well-Resuscitated” Trauma Patients.  Society of Critical Care Medicine.  San Francisco, CA.  February 1999.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Mark Rollins, M.D.,Harriet W. Hopf, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, M.D.  Increased Oxygen Tension and Wound Fluid VEGF Levels.  The 84th Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum.  Forum Session Plastic Surgery/Wound Healing I.  Orlando, FL.  October 1998.


Rollins MD, Gibson JJ, Hopf HW, Hunt TK.  Oxygen Levels During Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Healing Wounds.  The 26th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue. Budapest, Hungary.   August 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., John J. Feng, MD., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Mark D. Rollins, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Increased Oxygen Tension Effect on the Angiogenic Pathway.  The 9th Annual University of California Davis – East Bay Resident Research Day.  Chaired by

Jeffrey A. Norton, MD., FACS., Professor of Surgery University of California San Francisco, Vice-Chairman of the Department and Chief of Surgical Services.  Oakland, CA. June 1998.


15.  Mark D. Rollins, MD., Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Harriet W. Hopf, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Measured Oxygen in a Rat Dead Space Wound     Model During Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. Presented by J. Gibson. The 8th Annual University of California Davis – East Bay Resident     Research Day.  Oakland, CA.  June 1998.


 A. Sheikh, J. Gibson, H. Hopf, T. Hunt. The Effect of Increased Oxygen Tension on Wound Fluid VEGF Levels.  The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting.  Salt Lake, UT.  June 1998.


M. Gimbel, J. Gibson, T. Hunt, and M.E. Spencer.  IGF-I Deficiency Limits Post-Operative Adhesion Formation.  The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting. Salt Lake, UT.  June 1998.


J. J. Feng, J. J. Gibson, J. S. Constant, M. Z. Hussain, T. K. Hunt. Hyperoxia Stimulates Macrophage Vascular Endothelial Growth     

Factor (VEGF) Production. The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting.  Winner of the Young Investigator Award.  Salt Lake, UT.June 1998.


C. Doyle, MD., J. Gibson, MD., D. Morabito, RN, MPH, G. Manley, MD., H. Hopf, MD., A. Campbell, MD., M. Knudson, MD. Use of Tissue Oxygen Measurement to Predict Ischemic Changes in Gut Mucosa.  The Southwest Surgical Congress. Poster. San Antonio, TX.  April 1998.


Geoffrey T. Manley, M. Margret Knudson, Christine A. Doyle, Jeffrey J. Gibson, Diane J. Morabito, Harriet W. Hopf, Lawrence Pitts.  Direct Monitoring of Cerebral Oxygenation During Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation.  American Academy of

Neurosurgery.  Philadelphia, PA.  April 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Michael L. Gimbel, MD., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Harriet W. Hopf, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in   Wound Management.  The Second Australian Wound Management Association Conference.   Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.  March 18-21, 1998.


Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Jeffrey Gibson, MD., Mark Rollins, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD., Harriet W. Hopf, MD.  The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen

Treatment on VEGF levels in Wound Fluid Collected from a Rat Dead Space Wound Model.  The Second Australian Wound Management Association Conference.  Poster.  Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.  March 18-21, 1998.


G. Manley, MD., PhD., C. Doyle, MD., J. Gibson, MD. D. Morabito, RN., MPH, H. Hopf, MD., L. Pitts, MD., M. Knudson.  Direct Monitoring of Brain Tissue Oxygenation During Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation.  The Western Trauma Association Conference.  Lake Louise, Canada. February 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Adam P. Angeles, Harriet W. Hopf, Thomas K. Hunt.  The Role of the Endothelial Cell in Oxygen   Stimulation of Angiogenesis.  UCSF Resident Research Conference Department of Surgery.  San Francisco, CA.  February 1998.


Michael L. Gimbel, Jeffrey J. Gibson, Thomas K. Hunt, and MartinSpencer.  The Effect of IGF-I Deficiency on Postoperative adhesion formation. UCSF Resident Research Conference, Department of Surgery.  San Francisco, CA.  February 1998.


John J. Feng, Jeffrey J. Gibson, James S. Constant, M. Zamirul Hussain, Thomas K. Hunt.  Hyperoxia Stimulates Macrophage Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Production. UCSF Resident Research Conference, Department of Surgery.  San Francisco, CA.  February 1998.


Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Jeffrey Gibson, MD., Mark Rollins, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD., Harriet W. Hopf, MD.  The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on VEGF levels in Wound Fluid Collected from a Rat Dead Space Wound Model.  Poster.   UCSF Medical Student Research Forum.  San Francisco, CA.   January 21, 1998.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Michael L. Gimbel, MD., Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Tissue Oxygen Tension Enhances Wound Repair.  Keystone Symposia Wound Repair Conference.  Poster. Copper Mountain, CO.  January 1998.


Geoffrey T. Manley, M. Margret Knudson, Christine A. Doyle, Jeffrey J. Gibson, Diane J. Morabito, Harriet W. Hopf, Lawrence Pitts.  Direct Monitoring of Brain Tissue Oxygenation During Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation.  American College of Surgeons Resident’s Trauma Paper Competition.  First place Invasive Science Division.  Los Angeles, CA.  December 15, 1997.


Gibson J.J., MD., Angeles A.P., MD., Hunt TK., MD.  Collagen Deposition and Angiogenesis are Co-Dependent with Similar Regulatory Mechanisms.  Mechanisms involved in tissue repair and fibrosis: role of the myofibroblast (differentiation and apoptosis) Conference.  Lyon, France. December 8-10, 1997.


Geoffrey T. Manley, M. Margret Knudson, Christine A. Doyle, Jeffrey J. Gibson, Diane J. Morabito, Harriet W. Hopf, Lawrence Pitts. Continuous Monitoring of Brain Tissue Oxygenation During Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation.  The 15th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium.  Presented by Geoffrey T. Manley, M.D., PhD.   New Orleans, LA.  October 1997.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Adam P. Angeles, M.D., Thomas K. Hunt,  M.D., FACS.  Increased Oxygen Tension Potentiates Angiogenesis.  The 83rd Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum.  Forum Session Plastic Surgery/Wound Healing II.  Chicago, IL.  October 14, 1997.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD., Thomas K. Hunt, MD.  Hyperbaric Oxygen Potentiates Wound Healing.  The 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society.  Presented by T. K. Hunt, MD.  Bled, Slovenia.   September 1997.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, MD, Adam P. Angeles, MD, Thomas K. Hunt, MD, Harriet W. Hopf, MD.  Elevated Oxygen Tension Potentiates Neovascularization.  Presentation and Poster.  The 25th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue. Milwaukee, WI.  August 1997. 


Thomas K. Hunt, Jeffrey J. Gibson, Adam P. Angeles, James S. Constant, John J. Feng and Zamir Hussain.  Role of Oxygen in Angiogenesis.  NATO Angiogenesis meeting.  Presented by T.K. Hunt. Rhodes, Greece.  June 1997.


Jeffrey Gibson, Adam Angeles, Thomas Hunt.  Increased Oxygen Tension Potentiates Angiogenesis.   Presentation and Poster.  NATO Angiogenesis Meeting. Rhodes, Greece. June 1997.


A. Angeles, J. Gibson, P. Cianci, T. Hunt.  Hyperbaric Oxygen and Angiogenesis.  Poster.  Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Cancun, Mexico.  June 1997. 


J. Gibson, A. Angeles, T.K. Hunt.  VEGF with Hyperbaric Oxygen Potentiates Angiogenesis.  The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting.  Nashville, TN.  June 1997.


A. Angeles, J. Gibson, T. Hunt.  Hyperbaric Oxygen and Angiogenesis. The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN.  June 1997. 


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Adam P. Angeles, M.D., Thomas K. Hunt, M.D., FACS. Increased Oxygen Tension Potentiates Angiogenesis. 

Eighth Annual University of California Davis - East Bay Resident Research Day.  Chaired by Douglas W. Wilmore, MD., FACS., Frank Sawyer Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School Brigham and  Women's Hospital.  Sacramento, CA.  June 1997.


Jeffrey J. Gibson, M.D., Adam P. Angeles, M.D., Thomas K. Hunt, M.D. Hyperbaric Oxygen and Angiogenesis.  East Bay Surgical Society Spring Meeting. Monterey, CA.  May 1997.


Angeles A, Gibson J, Hunt T.  Hyperbaric Oxygen and Angiogenesis. UCSF Resident Research Conference, Department of Surgery.  San Francisco, CA.  February 1997.


J. L. Sosa, M.D., J. J. Gibson.  Laparoscopy to Reduce Hospital Stay in Patients with Gun Shot Wounds of the Abdomen.  4th Annual  

Surgical Research Forum sponsored by the Greater Miami Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.  Hialeah, FL.  April 1993.



Current Practices of Breast Cancer Reconstruction with use of new technology at Grand Rounds Mercy Hospital September 6th 2018, Miami FL  


Presentation on Biz-tech Radio show, Ask Alice for 2 hours Question and answer format on 94.5 Blink Radio covering Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetic procedures and my skin care line RxGenesys – How it works and all research behind the products. Miami – Key Biscayne FL. May 30th, 2018.


Current Uses of Umbilical Cord & Amniocytic Membrane tissue

in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Los Angeles CA. Plastic Surgery Group Society Meeting. October 23rd, 2017    


Presentation of Breast Reconstruction Services Provided by Mercy Hospital at Women’s Heath annual Meeting for Mercy Hospital, Key Biscayne Yacht Club Miami Florida


New Technologies in Wound Care, Preventing Wounds before,

during and after surgery. New Uses of Stem Cell Micro RNA in

wounds. Mercy Hospital Medical Staff Grand Rounds, Mercy

Hospital Miami, Florida. July 27th, 2017.


Use of Umbilical Cord & Amniocytic Membrane tissue to Improve

Healing in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Scottsdale AZ, January 

20th, 2017   


Current Practices in Wound Care, Sister Emanuele Hospital

Miami Florida, October 19th, 2016


Grand Rounds, Current Practices in Treatment of Dupuytrens’s

Disease, Mercy Hospital Miami FL September 29th, 2011        


Management of Plastic Surgery Patients Under Going Surgery. 3rd

Annual Anesthesia and Pain Management Symposium 

Sheridan Healthcare Miami, FL. May 3rd, 2010


Medicine Today, Appearance of the Breast after Cancer 

Reconstructive Surgery Miami, Fl. June 24th, 2009


Anesthesia Symposium Reconstructive Surgery at Mercy Hospital, Florida International University Medical& Nurse Anesthesia School. Miami, Fl. April 20th, 2009


Intra Venous Infiltrates Prevention Diagnosis and Treatment 

Mercy Nursing Staff. 2 sessions Mercy Hospital

Miami, Fl. July 23rd, 2008 


Hydro-Tangential Versajet Debridment device, Uses for Plastic Surgery Debridement and de-epithelization. Presented to Mercy Hospital Division of Plastic Surgery Meeting

Miami, Fl. May 21st, 2008. 


Current Practicing in Wound Healing and Wound Care to Wound Care Nurses and Administrative. Mercy Hospital

Miami Fl, April 28th, 2008



Current Practices in use of Bio-Materials. Presented to Florida International University Bio-Engineering Dept. Grad. Students

Miami FL, November 9, 2007


History & Fundamentals of Tissue Debridment with use of Hydro-Tangential Versajet Debridment device. Presented to Mercy Hospital Department of Surgery. November 8, 2007.


Current Practices in Wound Healing.  Presented at “Setting the Stage” for Wound Care:  A Multi-System Approach.  Mercy Hospital.  Miami, Fl.  May 15, 2006.


Return to Wellness Spring 2nd session – for Breast Cancer Patients.  Presented at the Wellness Community Greater Miami.  Miami, Fl.  April 4, 2005.


Current Practices in Wound Healing.  Physicians’ Continuing Medical Education Grand Rounds.  Mercy Hospital. Miami, Fl.   March 15, 2006.


Use of Soft Tissue Filler for Facial Rejuvenation.  Cosmetic Surgery Expo.  Fort Lauderdale, Fl.  March 11 – 12, 2006.


Cancer Conference Oncology Round Table.  Physicians’ Continuing Medical Education.  Mercy Hospital.  Miami, Fl.  February 1, 2006. 


Current Practices in Wound Healing.  Presented at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Division of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds.  Miami, Fl.  November 16, 2005.


Reconstruction on Lower Extremities.  Presented at Mercy Hospital Orthopedic Series.  Miami, Fl.  August 9, 2005.


“Reconstruction mamaria”.  XII Jornadas del Colegio de cirugia de Quintana Roo.  Quintana Roo, Cancun.  June 24 – 26, 2004.


Breast Reconstruction.  Presented at Mercy Hospital to the Surgical Nurses.  Mercy Hospital, Miami, Fl.  June 11, 2004.


Wound Healing.  Occupational Therapists at Mercy Hospital.  Mercy Hospital.  Miami, Fl.  June 11, 2004.


Burns in Adult and Pediatric Population. Presented to MS III Medical Students Temple University School of Medicine. Philadelphia, P.A. June 3 and November 25, 2002.


26.Wound Healing. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds. Presented at Temple University.  Philadelphia, P.A. May 2, 2002.


27.Treatment of Hand Fractures. Presented at Oregon Heath Science University Hand Surgery Grand Rounds. Portland, OR. December 21, 2000.


High Ulnar Nerve Palsy Following Ulnar Nerve Transpostion. Presented at Oregon Heath Science University to members of Japanese Traveling Hand Fellowship. Portland, OR. October 2000.


Current Practices in Wound Healing.  Presented at the University of CA – Davis, East Bay Surgical Grand Rounds.  Kaiser Medical Center – Oakland.  March 2000.


A Review of Literature of Pancreatic Surgery.  Presented to the Department of General Surgery for CME credits.  Kaiser Hayward Hospital.  June 1999.


A Review of Cytokines and their Effects on Wound Healing.  Presented to the Department of Vascular, Thoracic, General Surgery and Physical Therapy for CME credits. Kaiser Hayward Hospital.  May 21, 1999.


HER-2/neu Oncogene – Molecular Prognostic Marker for Breast 

Cancer.  Presented to the University of California, Davis – East Bay 

Surgery Program.  Oakland, CA.  May 20, 1999.


Review of Current Growth Factors.  Presented with Daniel Allen, M.D., attending Plastic Surgeon for Highland Hospital, to the University of California, Davis – East Bay Surgery Program in a teaching seminar forum.  Oakland, CA.  January 7, 1999.


Whipple Operation – The Pros and Cons of the Procedure.  Presented with fellow resident at the University of California, Davis - East Bay 

Surgical Resident Grand Rounds Conference.  Oakland, CA.  September 24, 1998.


Vascular and Collateral Blood Flow of the Colon. Pre-grand rounds at University of California Davis – East Bay Surgery Residency Program, Surgical Conference.  Oakland, CA. 1998.


36.Role of the Endothelial Cell in Oxygen Stimulated Wound Angiogenesis.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the U.C. Davis - East Bay Surgery Residency Program to Dilip Parekh, M.D., Associate Professor, Chief, Division of Tumor and Endocrine Surgery, University of Southern California, School of Medicine.  Oakland, CA.  February 26, 1998.


Role of the Endothelial Cell in Oxygen Stimulated Wound Angiogenesis.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the U.C. Davis - East Bay Surgery Residency Program to C. William Schwab, M.D., Professor of Surgery, Chief, Division of Traumatology and Surgical Critical Care.  University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.  Oakland, CA.  January 21, 1998.


Oxygen and its use in Enhancing Cultured Skin Graft Viability.  Presented to the Department of Anesthesia Research Seminar UCSF.  San Francisco, CA.  April 9, 1998.


Oxygen and Wound Angiogenesis.  Invited Presentation at the Clinical Winter Symposium on Baro-medicine and Wound Healing.  Copper Mountain, CO.  January 14, 1998.


Adhesion Formation in Hypophysectomized vs Normal Rats: The role of IGF-1.   Presented to the Department of Anesthesia Research Seminar UCSF.  San Francisco, CA.  October 30, 1997.


VEGF, Anti-VEGF Antibody and Oxygen Effects on Angiogenesis and Macrophage Production of VEGF under Different Oxygen Tensions.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the U.C. Davis - East Bay Surgery Residency Program to Lester F. Williams, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Surgery, Vanderbilt University and Chairman of Surgery, Saint Thomas Hospital.  Oakland, CA.  March 27, 1997.


Oxygen and VEGF effects on Neovascularization.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the University of California Davis - East Bay Surgery Residency Program to visiting professor Clive O. Callender, M.D., F.A.C.S., Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, Howard University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.  Oakland, CA.  March 20, 1997.  


Increased Oxygen Tension and its Effects on Angiogenesis.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the University of California Davis - East Bay Surgery Residency Program to visiting Professor Blake Cady, M.D., Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School.  Oakland, CA.  January 9, 1997.  


Oxygen Effects on Angiogenesis and Trauma Resuscitation in a Swine Model.  Presented in a discussion of Research Forum at the University of California Davis –  East Bay Surgery Residency Program to visiting Professor William P. Schecter, M.D., San Francisco General Hospital UCSF Department of Surgery, Assistant Clinical Professor.  Oakland, CA.  November 14, 1996.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Effects on Angiogenesis.  Presented to the Department of Anesthesia Research Seminar UCSF.  San Francisco, CA.  November 14, 1996.


Oxygen Effects on Wound Healing.  Presented to UCSF Surgery Grand Rounds.  Collaborative presentation Gibson J., MD, Angeles A., MD, Feng F., MD, Hunt T., MD, Suh D., MD, and Hopf H., MD.  San Francisco, CA.  November 13, 1996.


Increased Oxygen Tension and its Effect on Angiogenesis, VEGF and Anti-VEGF Effects on Neovascularization under HBO Treatment, Hypo and Hyperoxia's Stimulation of Cultured Macrophages to release VEGF, VEGF Measured in Wound Cylinders Stimulated by Oxygen Treatment.  Presented in repeated meetings of the Wound Healing Research Laboratory at UCSF with Thomas K. Hunt, M.D. as moderator.  San Francisco, CA.  From July 1996 to June 1998.


48.Assessing Caloric and Nutritional Requirements.  Presented at pre-grand rounds at University of California Davis – East Bay Surgery Residency Program Surgical Conference.  Oakland, CA.  1996.


Nobel Surgeons.  Presented at pre-grand rounds at University of California Davis – East Bay Surgery Residency Program Surgical Conference.  Oakland, CA. 1995.


High Velocity Gunshot Wounds.  Presented at pre-grand rounds at University of California Davis – East Bay Surgery Residency Program Surgical Conference. Oakland, CA. 1994.



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