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Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Gibson performs breast reconstruction surgeries on women who have undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy to treat breast cancer. 


The objective of the surgery is to reconstruct the breast mound, nipple, and areola lost due to the mastectomy. Dr. Gibson often does breast augmentation in one or both breasts to achieve a more symmetrical, natural and youthful result.


By deeply understanding each patient’s case, needs and expectations Dr. Gibson can offer a reconstruction option to rebuild and restore the balance between the appearance of both breasts and nipples. 

Dr. Gibson uses the most advanced proven techniques utilizing dermal graft, for the shaping of the infra mammary fold, allowing our reconstruction to restore the natural look and feel of your breast. Your breast will look so natural, that no one but you and your doctors will know it is not your original breast.


If you are planning to undergo a mastectomy, are a breast cancer survivor looking to improve the shape of your breasts after a mastectomy, or are planning to undergo a prophylactic mastectomy and have questions about your options, call Dr. Gibson at 305.858.1986 for a personal consultation.



Am I a Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?


For most women reconstruction is an essential step towards restoring the appearance of their bodies after a mastectomy. The procedure not only restores the natural look of the breast but can also restore a positive self-image, ultimately helping women move on with their lives.


Dr. Gibson can either perform your breast reconstruction immediately after your mastectomy or at a later date. Usually, women prefer to have both procedures performed at the same time, requiring only one procedure and one anesthesia. Delayed reconstruction procedures can be performed several months or years after the mastectomy.


Breast Reconstruction Procedure

Dr. Gibson uses the following methods for breast reconstruction:


  1. A tissue expander (TE) and implants 

  2. Latissimus Dorsi (back) flap with a tissue expander and implant

  3. TRAM flap


Each option may take three stages to complete, spanning four to eight months.



Tissue Expander (TE) and Implants


Stage I: Dr. Gibson will place a tissue expander (TE), or temporary implant under the pectoralis muscle to expand in a controlled fashion the skin in the breast region. The TE is partially filled at the time of insertion. 2-4 weeks later the TE is filled again with sterile saline solution; the filling process is repeated every couple weeks until the breast skin has been stretched sufficiently to fit the permanent breast implant.


Stage II: During this stage, Dr. Gibson removes the TE and replaces it with the permanent implant. At this time, he performs any additional aesthetic procedures required to achieve a symmetrical, natural breast appearance. 


Stage III: Nipple-areolar reconstruction is performed in this stage. Dr. Gibson is specialized in the execution of the micro neuro-vascular pedical flap (aka. Skate Flap), which achieves an exceptionally natural look.



Latissimus Dorsi Flap with Tissue Expander


Stage I: After the mastectomy surgery, Dr. Gibson performs a Latissimus Dorsi flap. Fat, skin and muscle is taken from the back and moved to the chest region to reconstruct the breast. In most cases, a tissue expander (TE) will be used since the flap tends to be too thin to form a full, rounded and natural looking breast.


Stage II: Dr. Gibson removes the TE and replaces it with a permanent implant. At this point, he will perform any additional aesthetic procedures, including enhancements to the opposite breast.


Stage III: Nipple-areolar reconstruction is performed in this stage. Dr. Gibson is specialized in the execution of the micro neuro-vascular pedical flap (aka. Skate Flap), which achieves an exceptionally natural look.



TRAM (Transverse Rectus Myocutaneous) Flap


Stage I: Dr. Gibson performs a TRAM flap formed with skin, fat, and muscle from the lower abdominal region, then it is transferred to the chest region to reconstruct the breast. Typically tissue expanders and implants are not used with this procedure. 


Stage II: Nipple-areolar reconstruction is performed in this stage. Dr. Gibson is specialized in the execution of the micro neuro-vascular pedical flap (aka. Skate Flap), which achieves an exceptionally natural look.



Recovery and Follow-Up Care

At the end of this surgery, Dr. Gibson injects a pain medication directly on the surgery area to block pain for 24 hours. If necessary Dr Gibson will provide you with pain medication to minimize any discomfort you may experience after this period. Drains will be applied to remove excess fluids from the surgical area. You will need to wear a compression garment to facilitate the healing process and improve results.


Please contact Dr. Gibson by calling  305.858.1986to to arrange a personal consultation.

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